пятница, 19 октября 2007 г.

How to Get Hard Abs in a Month

Everyone wants to know how to get hard abs! In this hectic world, exercising in our lives is often a low priority. Often people assume that for exercise to benefit it must be done for hours a day and to see results will take years. This is far from the truth. Exercise is beneficial as soon as you do it and results can be had in just one month. To learn how to get hard abs in under a month keep reading!

Let's examine the role of the abdominals. The stomach muscles help us maintain good back health, but when not exercised, they begin to atrophy and we begin to rely on other more awkward muscles to perform movements, like the lower back. Eventually the lower back is left to maintain our posture. The lower back was never meant to support the body in this way, hence the aches and pains that follow. You also begin to communicate weak and awkward body language which has social ramifications, when your abdominals are atrophied.

The stomach muscles are huge and strong if healthy and can keep the rest of the body strong. Exercise can transform the stomach muscles in just days and become easily hard in less than a month.

So let's look at how to get hard abs in a month. First, remember that you must want to be healthy and want to strengthen your form with exercise. This is the key to success with any exercise routine or technique. Often people self sabotage themselves with negative thoughts, so getting your mind right about training your abs is crucial.

Lets go over a typical leg raise.
Lie down on the floor on your back and bend your legs slightly at the knees with your feet pointing outwards. You may put a pillow under your feet, not for support but to give you a stopping place for your leg raises. When we exercise we tend to forget about our form. The pillow will be a reminder to keep the legs in motion and not letting them rest to the floor after each rep. Then lift your legs smoothly, steadily and slowly, until you feel a pull. Breathe in and out and then release. Repeat this exercise 12 times, then rest. Do 3 sets.

As you do this exercise the stomach muscles will begin to respond to the pedestrian strain you are applying to them. Always pull the stomach in toward the back as you do these exercises. Do these exercises every day for a month and watch how amazingly hard your abs will be.

Also drink plenty of water during the day and with exercise. Once you have reached the desired effect usually less than a month, maintain this exercise 3 times a week.

How to Get the Perfect Abs in Record Time

Wow, you just saw a commercial with the man and woman with the perfect abs. You assume that it took them years to achieve this goal. Not so. Abdominals can be built in a few weeks. This large muscle group is extremely responsive to exercise and is easily turned quite tight and attractive. They say that your abdominals are built in the kitchen and not the gym. This is quite true.

I have helped many people build a remarkable set of abs in record time and without fail the most difficult part was not doing the exercises. The most difficult part was removing the layer of fat that covered the attractive new six pack. That is whats meant by abs are made in the kitchen and not the gym.

Most people, even the "fatty's" among us have an attractive set of abs. The problem is the thick skin covering them is too full of fat cells to allow the details and definition show through. Imagine putting a mountain bike on the ground and putting a thin curtain across it. Once the curtain settles, the details of the mountain bike will show quite clearly, theres the peddle, theres the shape of the wheel, theres the steering column. Now imagine the same scenario, but instead of a thin curtain, we place across the mountain bike, a bed mattress and try and identify parts of the bike... can't do it. Cant see a thing. The mattress shows no shapes through. All you see is the mattress.

This same scenario can be applied to showing off your abs. If your skin is thin, your ab muscles show through proudly. If your skin is thick, like the mattress, the muscle is invisible. No hints of abdominals show through even though, you most likely already have nice abdominals.

So what we are doing is two things. We are going to limit your calorie intake if you are overweight and we are going to hit your abs with crunches and sit ups in an effort to enlarge the muscle group. This is how to get the perfect abs in record time.

How to Get Lower Abs Tight and Lean

So you want to know how to get lower abs tight and lean. It is not impossible nor hard nor time consuming to achieve this. How you say? With just three exercise techniques, you too can get lower abs tight and lean.

Let's look at how and why our stomach muscles loosen and become flabby. Muscles maintain their tightness with exercise. When we do not exercise, the muscles atrophy (reduce) with time. People tend to confuse the fact that if we exercise, we wear our body out. Nothing is further from the truth.

Keeping our body strong and healthy requires exercise, as exercise rejuvenates the muscles. People do not get abs tight and lean while sitting watching television, they get abs tight and lean by exercising. Unfortunately, people do not like to exercise, as they conceive it to be boring and hard. Which in a way is fortunate for you because if you do the work, your abs are so much more special. If everyone could easily do it, there would be nothing special about a tight lean set of abs, in fact I would wager that a flabby belly would be the desired fashion!

But this also is not the case abs are not hard to develop. Three simple exercise techniques can give you great looking and healthy lower abs. Let's now go through the steps and very shortly you will know how to get lower abs tight and lean.

First think of the exercise as a health benefit, not a way to look better, although you will look better. Studies tell us that people who look at exercise as a health benefit, rather than a look good benefit, kept up the routine longer and stayed fit past two years.

Second, drink water, as water nourishes the muscles and refreshes the muscles as you reshape them.

Third, repetition is the key to fitness and long term results. So here we go.

Lie down on your back and bend your knees toward you. Place your hands behind your neck but do not apply pressure. Inhale and exhale. Inhale again, but this time when you exhale, lift your head up toward the ceiling until you feel a pull in your abs. Hold for a few seconds and then release. Breathe in and out. When breathing out, lift your head again toward the ceiling but this time instead of lifting straight up, lift to the right.

Hold again for a few seconds. Release. Breathe in and out. This time when breathing out lift up and to the left. Hold for a few seconds and release. Repeat these steps 12 times. Do 3 sets of these exercise techniques repetitiously every day until you have the desired result, then perform them 2 to 3 times a week to maintain.

Start today because now you know how to get abs tight and lean.

How to Get Abs in a Month

Ever found yourself with your hand on your belly, wondering what it would take to transform that belly into a set of rock hard abs? Often it's easier just to dream. But sometimes. Sometimes its simpler just to put in the work, get it over with and get what you want....isn't it? Sure it is. This article shows you how to get abs in a month!

When you press into your belly, and feel how spongy and soft it is, often you may feel disappointed until you remember you are not tensing your muscles. Relieved, you tense those abs hiding under a fleshy outer skin and sure enough there is a reasonably hard wall of muscle there. Cool.

But you look up at the TV and see a couple of fitness models and it strikes you quite plainly, that your hard abs and their hard abs LOOK different. It is little consolation to know you have abs just like they do. Virtually the same. But yours are hidden under some spongy flesh and theirs is defined and tight looking.

So defining this we realize something new. Abs are not about the actual muscles but the presentation. You have the same muscles as the fitness models but when you take your shirt off at the beach, no members of the opposite sex even pay attention. When they take their shirt off, everyone looks right?

What's the difference? What's the confusion? The difference is the quality, texture and thickness of the skin covering your abs and theirs. That area of skin on a fitness models abs is thin, supple and taught across their abs. Yours may be loose, flabby and thick filled with engorged fat cells.

It is this area of skin you must work on and not the actual muscles underneath!

Drop 4 pounds a week for a month and watch how cool your abs start to look!

Bodybuilding - The Origin of Bodybuilding

Body building is the process of developing a physique through a strict exercise and diet program. This is often done for competitive purposes. Body building is aimed at showing prominent and well-defined muscle tone and exaggerated mass for an overall aesthetically pleasing effect.

The competitive form of body building is mostly a derivative of the 19th century European strongman acts in theatres and circuses. The first noteworthy body building international competition is the Mr. Universe contest which was started in 1947. This competition was succeeded by an even more prominent competition known as Mr. Olympia. Body building competitions for women started in 1970s.

Body building typically involves weight training as its basic form of exercise and the intake of food and vitamin and mineral supplements that are very high in protein. Workout routines for body builders usually involve exercises designed to increase and define muscle mass. The number of sets, repetitions, and weight are an important matter for any body building workout routine. The manner of splitting the workout is also important. A good rule to follow when going into your own body building workout routine is to make sure to split the training exercises to avoid overtraining. Do not train the same muscle group in consecutive days. Keep in mind that training a specific group of muscles may also affect another group, so try to determine what other muscle groups are affected so as to avoid overtraining that specific area.

For people who are just getting started in the craft of body building, you may experience very fast gains with any form of training program you use. The best thing for you to do is to gradually introduce your body to weight training while adjusting your diet simultaneously. This should be done to help smooth the progress of gaining muscle. At the initial stage of body building, any workout routine can and will produce amazing results. This is because the type of work out is new to the body and only a minimal amount of stimulus is needed to cause any change in physique.

If, however, you have been body building and weight training for quite sometime, your body will learn to adjust and cope with the body building routine you normally use. Failure to change your body building and workout routine may cause you to hit a plateau - this is a time wherein the body will not respond to the workout routine you are using - you will not gain any muscle and you will not lose any fat also. This can get a bit frustrating since you know you are continuing your diet and training but you no longer see any results. You can break through this plateau by modifying your work out by increasing workout intensity or changing the frequency.

If you want to get into body building but feel that you lack in determination, you may need to reassess your plans. After all, body building is a very demanding sport - one that requires commitment and a complete lifestyle change.